
发表于 讨论求助 2021-03-05 23:41:49

车险大致分为两个方面,责任险和碰撞险。 碰撞险只负责当是车主自身责任的时候,保险公司负责帮你修自己的车。就问题来说,暂且不提。责任险是为对方的车辆保护。每个州都有不同法规规定最低要求。举例来说,表现为 25,000/50,000/25,000

这三个数字的意思为当出现车祸且是车主的责任时,对对方车上的伤员每人赔付医疗费最高两万五千美金;整起车祸无论有几个伤员整体最高赔付5万美金;对对方的财产损失最高赔付两万五千美金 (比如车辆损伤,刮蹭之类的)。  这只是最低要求,可以追加就不说了。

这个责任险(Liability coverage,又称半保)只应用在当是自己是责任方的时候。然而往往有是对方责任却无法追究责任的时候。比如肇事逃逸,停在停车场被莫名刮蹭,甚至出车祸后责任方没有保险或者保险不够的时候。 (这个比例比你想像的高, 纽约州有将近30%的人没有保险或者没有足够的保险 (比如非法移民经常没有保险)) 这时候Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage就发挥用场了。这种险不是强制的,但会建议每个人都加上,而且费用很便宜。当事故发生的时候,自己只用出一定的自付款,纽约州是250美金。剩下的维修费保险公司会承担。 保额范围和责任险一致,也可以追加。

中国有出现价值1200万的车与10万不到的家用车出车祸在美国特别少见,在美国普遍10万美金的车已经算豪车的。举例子来看,2万5是法律最低要求携带对对方车辆损失的保额。把这个数字提升到10万保险涨幅一般不到30%。 如果开辆豪车,自己肯定买的保险额度也要够高才安心。

如果豪车停放的时候被小朋友自行车刮蹭了。走Uninsured Coverage就好了,不用站在车旁骂街。 如果是行驶中被刮蹭,会是汽车的全责。因为根据交规要求,在道路上对自行车以及摩托车应当当作一辆汽车来保持距离。如自行车驾驶者的位置为驾驶室,周围空出“汽车”的位置以及对"汽车“ 的车距。 另外有法规规定当在路上发现前方有道路施工人员或者警察等在路旁工作时,应该提前换道远离人。

美国的汽车维修费的确很高,主要是人工费。一般每小时收70,80美金是不带眨眼的。曾看过一个人修车花了一万五千美金,其中一半多是人工费。 有些美国人保险没有全保,自己车撞了没钱修,车子残废着开在路上也不是稀罕事。 引擎盖翘起来拿根绳子绑着,窗户碎了胶带糊着,车身各种撞痕都有。


不管在中国美国,法律都是保护非机动车辆以及行人的多。对车辆的规定也远比非机动车辆多。 我在国内见到很多是非机动车乱窜,无视红绿灯斜着骑过马路都不看车的。要不是中国司机水平高,该刹车都能刹,特别是出租车师傅。真是难以想像有多少车祸。

顺便普及一下,美国大部分路都是没有非机动车道的。作为车轮上的国家,你要么骑车到人行道上去,要么骑在最右边大概一米宽的非机动车道,和机动车的距离是伸手能打着胳膊,中间没有绿化带。只有路边有牌子提醒司机“share with bike 和自行车共享道路"  这种情况就不需要我之前说的需要假定对方为汽车来留距离了。这种道路一般限速为45英里左右(70公里左右)这种速度非常普遍.城区到处都是了.

有些小路,一般是双向两车道,车速较慢的时候,自行车就骑在道路中间。这种情况机动车就不能从边上绕过去或者从中间穿过去了。 所以,美国要求自行车都地带头盔,夜晚需要穿荧光装置,而且永远不可以后坐带人。因为自行车的死亡率特别高。曾经身边发生过有个留学生刚来美国买了辆自行车,一个月后出车祸死了。美国车速很快,在非小区或者低速的地方骑自行车真是玩命的。

综上所诉,有几点需要提一下。美国作为保险业非常发达的国家,很多地方是需要被学习的。不仅仅是每个人的保险意识,还有系统和法规的完善。没有强有力的法律做后盾保险业是很难发展的。 至于大家的安全意识,最初美国刚开始普及汽车的那二三十年也不见得好到哪去。


✔ (必须买,赔别人)身体伤害责任险 Bodily Injury Liability


Bodily Injury Liability
Pays up to the specified limit when the insured person is legally liable for bodily injury or death caused by a vehicle they own or by a non-owned vehicle they drive. The two limits apply per person/per occurrence. For example, a $15,000/$30,000 bodily injury liability limit would pay up to $15,000 for an individual injured in an accident, and up to a total of $30,000 for all people injured in that single accident. This coverage also pays for legal defense costs if the insured is sued.

✔(必须买,赔别人)财产损失责任险Property Damage Liability

Property Damage Liability
Pays up to the specified limit when the insured person is legally liable for damage to the property of others by a vehicle they own or by a non-owned vehicle they drive. This coverage also pays for legal defense costs if the insured is sued.



Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury 如果对方没保险,自己保险赔。



Pays up to the specified limit if the insured, resident family members, or occupants of an insured vehicle are injured or killed in an accident in which the owner or operator of a motor vehicle who is legally liable does not have liability insurance. The two limits apply per person/per occurrence. For example, a $15,000/$30,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury liability would pay up to $15,000 for an individual injured or killed in an accident, and up to a total of $30,000 for all people injured or killed in that single accident.

Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury


Pays up to the specified limit if the insured, resident family members, or occupants of an insured vehicle are injured or killed in an accident in which the owner or operator of a motor vehicle who is legally liable does not have adequate liability insurance coverage. The two limits apply per person/per occurrence. For example, a $15,000/$30,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury liability would pay up to $15,000 for an individual injured or killed in an accident, and up to a total of $30,000 for all people injured or killed in that single accident.

Medical Payments 医疗赔偿,一般1-3万。



Pays up to the specified limit per person for medical and hospital costs, if the insured, resident family members, or occupants of an insured vehicle are injured as a result of a car accident, no matter who is at fault.

✔ Automobile Death Benefits  死亡赔偿

This optional coverage pays a benefit upon a death resulting from an automobile-related accident.


✔ Comprehensive 意外险



Pays for loss or damage to an insured vehicle caused by any event other than collision. This includes glass breakage and damage resulting from fire, theft, windstorm, flood and vandalism. Depending on the policy type, this coverage may also pay some or all transportation costs if the motor vehicle is stolen or it is damaged through any other type of covered loss. This coverage is required if there is a loan or lease on the vehicle. The deductible amount is the dollar amount of each loss that the insured will be responsible for paying out-of-pocket. Generally, choosing a higher deductible will lower the premium.

✔ Full Safety Glass 赔玻璃


Pays for safety glass damage for a covered vehicle.

✔ Collision 碰撞险



Pays for loss to an insured vehicle when it collides with another vehicle or object or overturns, regardless of who is at fault. This coverage is required if there is a loan or lease on the vehicle. The deductible amount is the dollar amount of each loss that the insured will be responsible for paying out-of-pocket. Generally, choosing a higher deductible will lower the premium.

✔ Vehicle Loan/Lease Protection

如果遇到事故,车报废total loss,保险会赔钱,你拿去还贷款……

In the event of a covered total loss, this expands physical damage coverage to pay the difference (if any) between the remaining loan balance and the actual cash value or the company's limit of liability.

✔ Enhanced Transportation Expense交通补助

This coverage increases the daily amount to pay rental car expenses if you have a covered loss.

✔Original Equipment Manufacturer Parts


This coverage pays for manufacturer, not aftermarket, replacement parts for repairs related to a covered loss.


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